03 April 2009

Furry Alphabet Q-Z

The toughest part, since no translateable animal starts with Q or X. Still not sure about the Q here...

A QUOKKA once told me: "Oh what a pity!
Maybe it's true that I'm not very pretty...
But I don't deserve this ridiculous name!"
Honestly people! Have you no shame?
That I know
Goes out for walks
And clears the sidewalk for several blocks.

I know
The rhino
likes this a great deal
But how do the other pedestrians feel?
The SPERM WHALE he lives in the sea
Though he is not a fish
Some people think that it's suspic-
ious, but it's fine by me:

Not everybody understands
How big he really is
Would we have any space on land
With that huge bulk of his?
The TAPIR's nose is hanging low
His dreams have been frustrated
He tried to be an elephant
But never really made it
The URCHIN told the porcupine
"A back with spines is mighty fine!
But do you know how long it took
For us to come up with this look?"
It's ages since I've seen a VIPER
Can't really say I miss them, either
He is rude and vicious
But he's also quite delicious
Even the most piggish kind
Have their good sides, you will find
I'm sure that in some respects
X is a fantastic letter
But there's no animal for X
So I made up the XETTER
What's not to love about the YAK?
It's fun to ride upon its back
If I was living in Tibet
I'd want to have one as a pet
A ZEBU won't know about blizzards of snow
About hail and ice and other such topics
Because even though he's only an ox
The zebu, my friends, is a child of the tropics